
Un renseignement, une remarque, un commentaire, une demande… sur ce site ou sur toute autre chose, n’hésitez pas à me contacter en remplissant ce formulaire.

Attention : Je ne fourni pas de support sur WordPress par e-mail. Les questions de ce type sont à poser sur le forum de WordPress Francophone. Merci pour votre compréhension.

3 réponses sur “Contact”

  1. Hello there!

    I’m a freelance web designer seeking new clients who are open to new ideas in web design to boost their sales. I saw what you were trying to do with your site, I’d like to share a few helpful and effective ideas on how to you can improve your approach on the online market. I am also able integrate features that can help your website run the business for both you and your clients.

    In my 12 years of experience in web design and development, I’ve seen cases where upgrades on the user-interface of a website helped attract more clients and consequently gave a significant amount of business growth.

    If you’d like to be more familiar with the work I do, I’ll send you my portfolio of designs from my past clients. I’ll also give you a free consultation via a phone call, so I can share with you some expert design advice and to also know about your ideas as well. Please let me know about the best time to give you a call. Talk to you soon!

    Best regards,
    Leo Hudson

  2. Bonjour,

    Je suis navré de vous déranger, mais je recherche un contact susceptible de m’aider concernant la bonne prise en charge de mes fichiers po lors de la diffusion d’un plugin.
    J’ai livré mon premier plugin hier et ma traduction française n’apparait pas.
    L’équipe plugin m’ayant demandé de prendre contact avec l’équipe Polyglots, pourriez vous me dire qui contacter svp?


    Stéphane Treilhou

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